Teaching Experience


University of Utah Department of Architecture, Salt Lake City, Utah, Teaching Associate,
1964 -1967, Half Time. Emphasis, Basic Design, Color, Hand Graphics.

University of Utah Graduate School of Architecture, Salt Lake City, Utah, Auxiliary Faculty, Lecturer,
1993 1996. Emphasis, Design Studio.

University of Utah Center for Architectural Studies, Salt Lake City, Utah, Distinguished Practitioner Fellow,
1995. Emphasis, Design Studio and Practice.

University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Distinguished Practitioner in Residence,
1997. Emphasis, Design Studio and Practice.

University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Department of Architecture, Associate Professor of Architecture,
1999. Emphasis, Graduate Design Studio.

University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, Department of Architecture, Affiliate Professor of Architecture,
1999, Permanent Title. Emphasis, Graduate Design Studio.


The following courses were taught in the Fall of 2006, Jack Smiths first semester at Montana State University School of Architecture

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
FallArch 151Design Fundamentals 1453
FallArch 551,52,53Fifth Year Design Studio1216
FallArch 323IAWorld Architecture Ancient to 20th C37

The following courses were taught in the year 2007:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 152Design Fundamentals II426
SpringArch 356Architectural Design IV513
SpringArch 552Historical Issues in Architecture36
Graduate SeminarIse as Trope, Japanese Influence
SummerArch 254Architectural Design II514
SummerArch 457Architectural Design V514
FallArch 322IAWorld Architecture Ancient382
FallArch 355Architectural Design III513

The following courses were taught in the year 2008:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 323World Architecture History383
SpringArch 356Architectural Design IV516
SummerArch 121Introduction to Design36
SummerArch 457Architectural Design V59
FallArch 322IAWorld History: Ancient373
FallArch 558Advanced Building Studio614

The following courses were taught in the year 2009:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 323World Architecture II History3105
SpringArch 355Architectural Design II512
SpringArch 441Foreign Studies (Japan, March 09)919
SpringArch 428Foreign Studies (Japan, March 09)319
SummerArch 121Introduction to Design38
SummerArch 457Design Fundamentals II411
FallArch 322World Architecture I History3106
FallArch 522Historical Issues in Architecture39
Graduate SeminarUnderstanding Mies
FallArch 558Advanced Building Studio612

The following courses were taught in the year 2010:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 355Architecture Design III513
SpringArch 521Architectural Theory39
Graduate SeminarIse as Trope, Japanese Influence
SpringArch 558Advanced Building Studio612
SummerArch 121Introduction to Design313
SummerArch 551Advanced Architecture Studio610
FallArch 322World Architecture I History373
FallArch 471Independent Study31
FallArch 522Historical Issues in Architecture34
Graduate SeminarThe Big Three
FallArch 558Advanced Building Studio64

The following courses were taught in the year 2011:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 355Architecture Design III513
SpringArch 522Historical Issues in Architecture312
Graduate SeminarAn Architectural Trifecta
SpringArch 551Advanced Architectural Studio610
SummerArch 551Advanced Architectural Studio67
FallArch 322World Architecture I History389
FallArch 521Architectural Theory316
Graduate SeminarEden in the Wilderness
FallArch 558Advanced Building Studio612

The following courses were taught in the year 2012:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 355Architecture Design III513
SpringArch 522Historical Issues in Architecture312
Graduate SeminarFour Forces,
The Vienna Secession The Bauhaus, De Stijl, Constructivism
SpringArch 551Advanced Architectural Studio69
SummerArch 521Architectural Theory311
Graduate SeminarCivility and Architecture
SummerArch 558Comprehensive Design Studio611
FallArch 521Architectural Theory311
Graduate SeminarTheory and Practice
FallArch 557Advanced Building Studio65
FallArch 558Comprehensive Design Studio612

The following courses were taught in the year 2013:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 355Architecture Design III513
SpringArch 521Architectural Theory312
Graduate SeminarDetail, An Exploration of the physical and
Intellectual Connections in Architecture
SpringArch 551Advanced Architectural Studio66
SummerArch 121Introduction to Design313
SummerArch 522Historical Issues in Architecture36
Graduate SeminarCRAFT: An Exploration of the History, Theory and Making of Craft, From
Primitive to Modern Times.
FallArch 521Architectural Theory310
Graduate SeminarCivility and Architecture
FallArch 557Architecture Design Studio610
FallArch 558Advanced Building Studio69

The following courses were taught in the year 2014:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 355Architecture Design III513
SpringArch 521Architectural Theory312
Graduate SeminarDetail and Craft
SpringArch 558Comprehensive Design Studio612
SummerArch 121Introduction to Design39
SummerArch 152Design Fundamentals42
FallArch 456Architectural Design IV510
FallArch 521Architectural Theory34
FallArch 558Advanced Building Studio611

The following courses were taught in the year 2015:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 355Architecture Design III513
SpringArch 521Architectural Theory Detail37
SpringArch 551Advanced Architectural Studio69
SummerArch 121AIntroduction to Design38
SummerArch 121BIntroduction to Design Recitation08
SummerArch 152Design Fundamentals II46
FallArch 456Architectural Design V513
FallArch 558Comprehensive Design Studio68
FallArch 560Masters Studio Project32

The following courses were taught in the year 2016:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 356Architectural Design IV59
SpringArch 521Architectural Theory38
Graduate SeminarDetail & Craft
SpringArch 575Professional Paper23
SummerArch 121AIntroduction to Design37
SummerArch 121BIntroduction to Design Recitation07
SummerArch 498Internship66
FallArch 121AIntroduction to Design380
FallArch 253Architecture Design I513
FallArch 498Internship65
FallArch 560Masters Studio Project33

The following courses were taught in the year 2017:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 356Architectural Design IV515
SpringArch 457Architectural Design V510
SpringArch 575Professional Paper24
SpringArch 471Independent Study/Directed Research33
SummerArch 121AIntroduction to Design319
SummerArch 151Design Fundamentals I411
FallArch 551Architectural Theory312
FallArch 558Comprehensive Design Studio610
FallArch 471Independent Study/Directed Research33
FallArch 498Internship68

The following courses were taught in the year 2018:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 254Architectural Design II513
SpringArch 356Architectural Design IV59
SpringArch 575Professional Paper25
SummerArch 121AIntroduction to Design36
SummerArch 121BIntroduction to Design Recitation06
FallArch 521Architectural Theory35
FallArch 558Comprehensive Design Studio612
FallArch 569Masters Studio Project34

The following courses were taught in the year 2019:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 356Architectural Design IV511
SpringArch 457Architectural Design V513
SpringArch 557Professional Paper44
SummerArch 121AIntroduction to Design310
SummerArch 121BIntroduction to Design Recitation010
FallArch 253Architectural Design I512
FallArch 355Architectural Design III512
FallArch 560Masters Studio Project41
FallArch 561Design Critic for Masters Studio Project23

The following courses were taught in the year 2020:

SemesterCourse #Course NameCreditsEnrollment
SpringArch 356Architectural Design IV511
SpringArch 457Architectural Design V511
SpringArch 575Professional Paper22
SummerArch 121Introduction to Design317

Please Note: After spring break in March 2020 the COVID 19 Virous pandemic caused the university to close its doors and required the students to work from their homes. Therefore, all of the above courses after spring break and the summer have been taught on- line.

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